After Party

Drinking stories. And songs. And also drinks.

Kit Satoh

Kit Satoh may be small, but her liver is mighty. Her violin/piano duo Bow & Hammer makes sure to keep her in top drinking form, always partnering with different restaurants, bars, and local businesses for their events. Though classical music is Bow & Hammer’s performance focus, she feels that practical experience of effusively consuming brandy, mescal, bourbon…or…any quality booze truly defines “spirit”. Never leaving home without a working knowledge of the local hydration, her residencies as Bow & Hammer have taken her through the US, Canada, and Italy, where she may have filled a hiking pack with wine bottles instead of water just as a precautionary measure. Even back in the day as a chorister for the Grant Park Music Festival, she had a loyal support group poised on the lawn with ample rosé.  Anyhow, in order to learn her liver-busting secrets, check her out at

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