Shelby (aka Sherbs) has been in a serious relationship with Captain Morgan, Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Jameson and most recently (probably right at this moment…) with Sir Jose Cuervo for the past 10 years. These boys have gotten her through many tough times, have taught her how to dance on tables, and have been with her while passed out on a cool linoleum bathroom floor at 4am. That’s true love, ya’ll. When she’s not toasting to these fine gentlemen, you can find Sherbs acting, improvising and making a general ass of herself through the great city of Chicago. She has worked with Profiles Theatre, Metropolis PAC, Frameworks Co. and just recently finished her first National Tour of a little show called Girl’s Night: The Musical” where she drank…a lot. Sherbs sends all of her love to her “full-bodied” family, her “intoxicating” friends and 80’s nights at Holiday Club. Thanks for the dreams, the love, and more importantly, sharing my “men” with me. XO